•July 28, 2012 • Leave a Comment

In case I haven’t mentioned, or you weren’t listening when I did: I AM 100% AGAINST THE USE OF CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING!! APPS, VOCAL AND TEXT. Do NOT call/text me while you are driving. Do NOT answer my call, read my text/respond to my text while you are driving. IT CAN WAIT! Pull over in a safe place or wait till you reach your destination. OUR LIVES ARE MORE IMPORTANT! Don’t make me a part of your crash. If I am in your vehicle while you are attempting to call/text, I will be asking you to pull over and let me out. So many lives are ending on a daily basis due to this insane addiction. Every day my life and yours are put in danger by other people using their cell phones while driving. Why raise the probability by also being a user? Do your part to keep our families safe. How are you going to feel after you accidentally kill someone’s pet, child, mom, dad, sister, brother, etc.? Quite possibly your own…

Angel with mobile phone

Angel with mobile phone (Photo credit: Akbar Sim)

Protecting the Rebel in Me

•July 16, 2012 • Leave a Comment

In case you haven’t figured it out on your own: I am a REBEL by nature. And so by definition: I resists any authority, control, or tradition. I am defiant. And this is especially where I hold my pride in myself. Until you can understand that and come to terms with the fact that this piece of me will not change – we will not be seeing eye to eye. We will continue to bounce around this tiny little fish-bowl like the opposing magnets that we are… I refuse to lay down my soul and let you tread over me. now and forever

…changing while staying the same…

•July 16, 2012 • Leave a Comment

I’ve heard over and over throughout my life….”Never try to change a man. He won’t. And it will only cause you heartache.” …….well, to be frank with you; I think MORE MEN need to hear that message about WOMEN.

Glad to Have Current TAGS, At Least

•April 24, 2012 • Leave a Comment

Nice bike, nice trailer

Nice bike, nice trailer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

GRRRRRRRR-OOOD Morning! Yeay for a day off! Sucks that it’s gonna cost me…  Bike’s in the shop. (Throttle came loose?)  Great time to realize you also don’t have AAA, like you thought. And since none of the tow companies think it important to answer their phone at 5 am…. I was relieved to find out that renting a truck and motorcycle trailer from U-Haul (luckily, right around the corner from th…e house) is actually cheaper (traveling 30mi) than it would’ve cost to have it towed 6miles. And double appreciative to my awesome nanny girl for picking me up off the side of the freeway, before her shift even started! You rock girl~  Will be nice if I get a call in a little bit from the shop to tell me that instead of not being able to get work done for two weeks- they’ll squeeze me in today. KEEP fingers Crossed~ Is it nap time yet???

I wasn’t even gonna mention the part about how a cop stopped to assign a tow tag to my bike, it having sat there unattended for less than an hour. And how he casually drove away- rather than staying to at least see that I got it loaded ok. …(Cuz I probably wouldn’t accepted his help had he offered. I’m a BEAST like that.) Push a 600lb bike not only uphill but up a ramp slopped up that same hill… And it’s equally AWESOME that I was both able to figure out how to use the strap mechanism! and also how not to use the straps to secure a bike so that it doesn’t fall over and add additional detailing effects to the saddlebag. (Yeah- who’da thought that’s where I’d go wrong?)      But to think all of this may have been even worse… I could’ve actually been able to open the casing (because the bolts were NOT stripped) and I could’ve been really sad to find out I voided the  warranty I never purchased when I bought the bike even though I was able to fix it right then and there. SO GLAD THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN!  I mean really.


•April 21, 2012 • 1 Comment

<<Just a start to maybe being something. Simply Today’s Mental Ramblings.>>

I’m beginning to see how teen yrs are very much like depression and should be ‘treated’ in the same way.

Signs and symptoms of depression (from my experience): seclusion/isolation. Lack of conversation. Being exaggerated-ly upset over something that seems trivial to the parent. Scowls. Eye rolls. Tears. Feeling like it’s an acceptable habit to wear pajamas all day. Thinking it is okay to skip an essential beauty task on a recurring basis (ie: brushing your hair, brushing your teeth, changing your clothes, not showering, etc.). Not wanting to go to the store WITH MOM, but wanting to spend open till close at the MALL. Not being as present in my life…


In order to feel better, a depressed person must: LEARN to love yourself. LEARN to develop yourself. LEARN to laugh. Move your body. Change your state. Explore … yourself. Emotionally, mentally, physically. LEARN to take a minute to smell the roses; don’t rush through life, it will end soon enough. LEARN to forgive. Realize that healthy people generally do the best they can within their ability, try your best not to fall into a judge-ment-ality that you can’t see their reality is simply different from yours. LEARN to accept love. LEARN to love. LEARN to let go. LEARN to listen. LEARN to change your perspective. LEARN to accept change for what it is = life. LEARN to appreciate. LEARN to communicate.

(I’ve actually considered, in the past, writing a book for the teenage population. Perhaps I should re-focus there.)

What harm would it do to assume all teens are going through a depression, maybe WE as parents can LEARN better ways to help treat them at the earliest signs, continuing maintenance care for years to come? Maybe WE as PARENTS can LEARN from THEM, if only we could be as open-minded as we thought we were. The happier they are, the better they hide it.

I can see the childhood joy slowly drain from my daughter’s eyes, and its crushing my heart. Cynicism is rampant. She always feels like we expect too much, under-appreciate her/her opinions/her help and never notice anything good instead of the faults. If only she could see my reactions, messages, concerns, wishes and hopes, envy and pride for her as I intend them. If only she understood my dreams and philosophies and very specific methods in raising her, trying to give her the most amazing start to life as I could ever in a million years give to her. If only she could feel so deeply the love I have for her.

I look at my 2yr old son and see an overflowing glow that comes from not being forced to live outside of his own perception, and I wish with all my heart that my little girl could have held onto that preciousness of life for as long as possible.

She’s only 12. But she’s noticing the world, with micro-scope eyes and feeling within her that her natural response is not what she’s perceived she’s been taught all her life… There is where the zit begins to form.

She’s beginning to reflect to me what she’s ‘picked-up’ from my horribly-naïve mothering skills, which are now undoubtedly engrained in her process to some degree. 😦 And it’s come to my attention that I’m not the person-to-her, that I thought I was. She sees things in me that I pride myself for having become, and she nonchalantly explains that I in-fact suck worst in that area of my personality. *Of course, she didn’t Say it as harshly. It actually sounded similar to: “Why do you write like that? It doesn’t sound like you. It sounds so cheery and your so…not. Your just not as happy as you sound when you write.” [OUCH! Don’t you see my smiles every day? Don’t I tell you I love you? Sometimes I wish you could just hear my thoughts. You would see how observant I am. You would hear all my compliments to you/ my adoration for you/ and my pride and honor in getting to be YOUR mom.] Perhaps one day I will learn that to her, in her eyes, I’m more magnanimous than I never thought I could be. (Ya know, I get what I focus on! (: )

She’s emerging from her shell, and in my wildest dreams I couldn’t have assumed her more spectacularly fantastic than she truly is  in all her perfectly-neurotic, grossly-underestimated, beautifully-wonderful self.


•April 21, 2012 • Leave a Comment

So if you tend to be: an over-achiever. And. your co-workers are less than proficient. Or as I like to say it: over-exaggeraters. -Do you see it as the perfect opportunity to shine…which has the good chance of making you look like you have ladder-fever and don’t care who the rungs are… because ultimately your looking good in any way is going to shadow them whether you mean it to or not??? or D…o you try to slow your role… hoping to go un-noticed but being just fast enough to stand out slightly (because you obviously want to advance still)??? or Do you take notes on what’s not working for others, suggest to management (as they have requested by putting up a “suggestion box”) specific ways to improve, and do it all anonymously???   Do you just kick ass to your full potential and be bored the rest of the time, continue to ask for more work, and let your energy take you to the next step??? and finally; why is that I worry going into situations feeling intimidated and leaving feeling like, “This seems so easy. They keep saying its difficult. Am I missing something? or is the reality of it all – that they are indeed ‘over-exaggeraters’? Perhaps they are in their ‘high-life’ getting away with doing the bare minimum… who am I to shatter their world with my ‘lets do work’ attitude. Man. I can’t be the buzz kill this early in our relationship!


•April 21, 2012 • Leave a Comment

So if you tend to be: an over-achiever. And. your co-workers are less than proficient. Or as I like to say it: over-exaggeraters. -Do you see it as the perfect opportunity to shine…which has the good chance of making you look like you have ladder-fever and don’t care who the rungs are… because ultimately your looking good in any way is going to shadow them whether you mean it to or not??? or D…o you try to slow your role… hoping to go un-noticed but being just fast enough to stand out slightly (because you obviously want to advance still)??? or Do you take notes on what’s not working for others, suggest to management (as they have requested by putting up a “suggestion box”) specific ways to improve, and do it all anonymously???   Do you just kick ass to your full potential and be bored the rest of the time, continue to ask for more work, and let your energy take you to the next step??? and finally; why is that I worry going into situations feeling intimidated and leaving feeling like, “This seems so easy. They keep saying its difficult. Am I missing something? or is the reality of it all – that they are indeed ‘over-exaggeraters’? Perhaps they are in their ‘high-life’ getting away with doing the bare minimum… who am I to shatter their world with my ‘lets do work’ attitude. Man. I can’t be the buzz kill this early in our relationship!

Gratitude… even at 2

•March 16, 2012 • Leave a Comment

I like to think my efforts in teaching my children gratitude will prove to be time well spent. Tonight, I got a little glimmer of hope that its working, when my 28 month old son said, “Bye-bye water. Thank you for making me clean!” As he drained the tub after his bath. 😉

This train has been building its momentum, so stay off the tracks if you wanna survive!

•March 9, 2012 • Leave a Comment

‎2012 Journey = FAB-U-LOUS!!! Already have ‘non-smoker’, ‘healthy eating’, ‘back to work’, and paved road to ‘fit body’ and ‘improved posture’ in the bag!! And many other goals started too. For some I’ve already achieved the ‘mind set’, and others ‘planted the seeds’. SO EXCITED!

Inner Beauty: Directly Related to Spirituality?

•March 6, 2012 • 3 Comments

Question mark in Esbjerg

Thinking outside the box of what your parents/guardians,etc. may have taught you… I would like to hear your personal opinions on the following question: Can ‘inner beauty‘ be purchased?

One generic internet definition I found: Inner beauty is a concept used to describe the positive aspects of something that is not physically observable.

[Polled Answer #1: Yes, through peace of mind that money brings.]

[Polled Answer #2: I heard it said once that money is like health: You don’t really think about them when you have them, but you think about them ALL THE TIME when you don’t. So I would say no.

Me: So, just for clarification: Are you saying that if a person is wealthy, they don’t think about / consider the need for/ or   desire ‘inner beauty‘, therefore they would never use their funds to purchase it?? …if in fact purchasing inner beauty was an option…

Poll Respondent #2: I think I was more reacting to (the first answer’s) line of thought: that inner peace is a prereq for inner beauty… Though I disagree that money can truly offer inner peace, thus inner beauty can’t be bought.]

[Poll Respondent #1: Okay let me clarify. Its not to say that inner beauty is obsolete without money but, with more you can be more do more have more. I had it instilled in me as a child that “money” or people with money was a negative. When obviously its not. At the end of the day we all have to trade time for money. Is it not possible that people are limited to the box they were raised in unable to find there true self.Therefore there inner beauty never had a chance to shine. This is a vice versa answer.]

So again, we see where one question leads to a plethora of others. Including: How would you define ‘inner beauty’? Can it truly be defined or is its definition always according to a personal belief? Is your own inner beauty directly related to your ‘spirituality’?  Is it something you possess innately? Can it be learned/cultivated/evolved or otherwise acquired? Does it boil down to a matter of discovering/embracing what is already there in anyone? Can people really change who they are, or just their actions? …and perhaps for some, another question would be… Can money really buy you anything of value? or maybe: Are you considering the question thoroughly enough? Do you ultimately think in terms of black and white, good and evil, positive or negative? (Is Schrödinger’s cat dead or alive?)

Would you ever consider paying for a seminar titled, “Establish & Emanate Your Inner Beauty”?